
About Us


Who is Emma?

Hello, I’m Emma Managing Director of High CI Ltd.

Continuous Improvement (CI) is in my DNA and gives me my purpose in life both professionally and personally.  I have always had a passion for business, so putting CI and business together to create High CI was an easy decision to make.

I am fascinated by the underlying philosophies and transformative powers of CI, and my experience has enabled me to lead CI across global organisations to support people and customers.

The multi-faceted nature of CI offers a wide array of benefits in countless ways, but the best one is witnessing the spark of excitement ignited by CI in someone’s eyes.  That fills me great joy knowing that I’ve played a small part in igniting a transformative journey for another person.



Continuous Improvement is group of strategic methodologies to make sure that your processes, ways of working, products and services are as efficient, accurate, and effective as possible.  CI is an ongoing, long term approach that involves all employees and leadership teams in suggesting, implementing and supporting ideas to improve business operations.

The methods that lays beneath CI are Lean (in Japan known as Kaizen), Six Sigma, TQM (Total Quality Management), Kata and Operational Excellence to name a few.  Other popular methods include PDCA (Plan Do Check Act), Kanban and A3 problem solving.

The tools in these methodologies are used to implement a never ending cycle of improvement, so that businesses grow, develop its people and continue to stay strong in their industry, and offer the best possible customer service and experience.

There is great opportunity for the people in an organisation to learn new skills in CI, and create development opportunities with those skills.  Typically an individual would hold an accreditation in Lean, or Six Sigma or both.

There are ways of knowing using diagnostic surveys, on where a business could start with CI, but this would be up to the business to decide based on recommendations.  However, the beauty of CI is you can start anywhere and that there is a commitment to improve.

High CI believe there is great potential to improve through understanding your processes.  By reviewing your processes, this can unlock a multitude of benefits such as revealing wasteful elements, highlight and overcome risk elements, meet compliance requirements, add in new technology effectively, increase employee satisfaction, increase customer satisfaction, respond to industry changes, scale faster, save costs, increase efficiencies and more.

There are many ways to review processes using CI techniques, and we will suggest based on your business requirements which ones are the best option(s) for you.

Each business is unique, facing different challenges and requirements.  Our approach is firstly to listen to your challenges.  What is it exactly that is causing a problem for your business and your customers.  This may require us to visit your business to get to see first hand how it operates.  Once we fully understand that, and the budget you have to work with, we will take an agreed time to prepare a diagnostic report and come up with a proposal.  The proposal will set out the continuous improvement solution, tools to be used to work though the problem, desired outcomes, preparation, timelines, and a quotation.

Continuous Improvement can be applied to any industry or business function.  High CI specialise in the business service sector and as an example cover functions such as pre-sales and sales, after sales, customer service, operations, finance, shared services, supply chain, HR, warehousing and logistics.

Each business is different, and we want to ensure that the solution we recommend is right for your business.  A quotation will be provided with a proposal showing a comprehensive breakdown of the costs.  Costs will factor in the time required to prepare, complete and materials for the the solution plus resources required.  All quotations are subject to VAT.

That depends on the solution.  Largely the activities will take place on the business premises.  However, if there is a requirement to undertake activities off site or not on company premises, or as an example take the team off site for training, we can help you select the venue that works best based on your budget, location availability and your business liability is signed off.  High CI are covered under public liability insurance to visit other premises.



“Emma brought a unique understanding of how the CI methodologies can be most impactful to all disciplines within the team, encouraging team members to think differently about how the part they play in the process has a wider overall impact”.

                                                                                            Rob M, Commercial Lifecyle Operations Manager

“Emma has a natural ability to breakdown complex business processes by bringing the tools to enhance how people approach implementing change”.

Peter M, Vice President Global Development

‘Emma is a patient and knowledgeable CI expert.  She has an in depth knowledge and her passion for the subject shines through.  The benefit of her experience on any business is evident from when you first meet her.  It was a pleasure to work alongside Emma and seeing successes from CI process improvements in our business.

Alex G, Regional Sales Manager


Lets Get Started.